The Next Step

After getting broken up with, I have continued to ask myself for the past two months, " What do I do next?" I have now realized that question is too broad. It almost an unanswerable question, because there are many things I can be doing next in my life that are beyond a relationship. 

I focused on the current facts. My three currents facts are that: I am in school, I have a part-time job, and I have people that care about me. My next step does not need to revolve around "why do I not have a boyfriend?" " Why do I not have good grades?" The 'Why do I not" question needs to be removed. 

I replaced it with "What can I do to improve my education?" " What can I do to improve my work ethic?" "What can I do to improve my current relationships?" Sometimes the next is not this miraculous change in your life. I know I used to try to make huge changes in my life, when bad things happened. i would quit my job and get a new job, I would change my style, I would do something abstract that would not allow me to focus on myself, but the environments around me.

To improve something, can still be a paradox of a question. However, it is a lot easier to answer. However, the hardest part is not answering the question but implementing the change. For me, this looks like taking more time for my education, taking more time for myself, setting boundaries of behaviors I will and will not tolerate, surrounding myself with people who want to put in energy, and so on.

It is not easy moving forward with the new expectations and goals set for yourself. Maybe what you least expected is what you needed, but not what you wanted.

Energy is such a broad topic and we can carry this on to the text topic, but is the energy I use active or passive? 


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